I Tried Christianity, But It Just Didn’t Work for Me

Taste and See That The Lord is Good
Over the years, I have heard many people say something like this: “I have tried Christianity, but it just didn’t work for me.” My observation has been that people who say this generally attended church for a short time period, watched what was going on, and then decided they weren’t really interested.
But there is a big problem with “trying” Christianity like this. You see, Christianity isn’t meant to merely entertain us or stimulate us intellectually. Sure, at times it may do these things for us. But that is not the essence of the Christian Faith.
That “trying” approach puts a picture in my mind of a person walking down the city sidewalk until he passes a bakery. He stops in front of the bakery to peer through the window at all the delicious treats. He sees brownies and cupcakes and a wide assortment of fabulous pastries. He can even smell the scent of cinnamon and chocolate wafting through the air.
So, he decides he will give it a try. He leans forward and licks the glass. He then leans backward and feels like he has somehow been cheated. He tasted what he saw, but it just didn’t seem to be satisfying. So he walks away unimpressed. He “tried” the pastries, but they just didn’t seem to do anything for him.
I would invite you to taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8). But I don’t want you to remain standing on the sidewalk. Jesus said he has provided an open door (Revelation 3:8) for you into a relationship with Him. Don’t just lick the glass. Open the door and walk inside to experience all the fullness of God himself.
My suggestion to you is that you don’t just “try” Christianity. I want you to jump in with both feet.  Call on God right now to ask for forgiveness of your sins, and commit your life to Him … fully (Romans 10:13).
When you truly turn your life over to Him, He will change you forever.
I promise.


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Chris Russell (send me a Facebook friend request!)

Veritas Church (Cincinnati, OH)


24 thoughts on “I Tried Christianity, But It Just Didn’t Work for Me

  1. “I tried Christianity . . .” one of the most frustrating and heart breaking statements in my opinion. Thank you for your thoughts and wisdom.

  2. Great post Chris. Thank you for sharing with us the frustration that happens. I am so glad that I made the jump with both feet. I agree that it is one of the most frustrating statements spoken. While things are not always easy I have promises that He gives me. But when one has truly tasted the Lords goodness as well as His discipline and are able to walk in freedom there is nothing better than that freedom (and it is one that happens from the inside out and nothing I can do on my own.)

  3. Way to say it, Holy Spirit, that resides in Chris! Keep up encouraging all of us, Mr. Russell

  4. Wow Chris. This is well put and it is the only way of tasting the Lord to know His goodness…. Plunge yourself fully in Him. Thanks.

  5. I have to disagree with your post. I didn’t just “try” or attend church for a long time. I’ve been a believer for many years. My Ex husband felt called into ministry. Even though I knew it wasn’t of God, I followed. He had all the theological answers and comments, but, didn’t live life as such. Long story short, living miserably for years, I turned to the bible, prayers and always gave in to self. Gave so much, didn’t want to disappoint God, the church, or anyone, I didn’t want to file for divorce. So, I wanted to end my life, tried 3x. After 21 years, I filed for divorce. I prayed and prayed why God allowed this and other things in my life (i.e: Narcissistic parents, etc). Feeling like God’s reject my whole life. No one who reads this will understand unless you’ve been in my shoes. And I expect the church, bible responses to this. Although I am still his child, I will not put myself out there again like that. I am remarried now to someone of another Religion, we don’t talk about religion and we get along great. I can’t understand how all of this works and happens, when the bible says do not be un-equally yoked, the promises that I was following before didn’t work. I can honestly say, I tried it, church, bible studies, praying at home, the whole works, and it left me hopeless. miserable and discouraged. I’m not writing this to start a theological debate and or responses to say why I’m wrong. I am one person this effected. Thanks.

    1. Hi Rachel!

      I would like to say something to your comment. It really makes me sad to hear how you feel about the church, the Bible and God in general! I can relate to your post because I have been at a point in my life where I was so afraid to fail and disappoint God because of my past failures and because I wanted to do everything to please God. I was trying it so hard on my own that I felt exhausted and got frustrated and lived under constant fear. But in that time of life I didn’t know something very important: it is never about what I do for God, but what Jesus already did for me. God loves us and He chose to love us at our darkest, so why do we think we have to add something to that? We are mistaken here in our thinking when we think we have to add something so that God will love us or will continue to be please with us! Another point I missed here is that it is not by my own power by which I can do this ‘Christian thing’, but it is by God’s grace that I will be empowered to step in this new life! Read 2 Corinthians 12:9 where God tells us that in our weaknesses His power (=grace) works best.

      God loves us and He still waits for you with arms wide open. And to the topic marriage I know from own experience that a relationship can work between people with different religions, but the question is: will the other person bring you closer to God or seperate you from Him? There is not greater love than God has poured out on us and continues to show us! Don’t let the devil betray you like this, fight and come back to God, the only one true king and source of life and love there is!

      I hope this was an encouragement for you and I hope you will come back to God! May God bless you abundantly and I wish you all the best.

  6. Christianity without discipleship is typically going to be disappointing. But a seeker that is willing to meet with a mature Christian, read the Bible daily starting with the Gospels, and accept the challenge to do what it says, (pray, confess, repent, live life with other Christians, seek advice, etc.) after a month they will see God working. (Someone issued this challenge to me and my wife 20+ years ago, and not only did it work but it saved our marriage.) So this is just a long-winded way of saying, I agree with you.

  7. Sadly, what I’ve observed is that church, at times, becomes an endless exercise in religion rather than relationship. The focus of church becomes: follow the denominational rules.
    Isn’t the church to be a place where someone can mature in their relationship with Jesus?
    The focus is Jesus. It’s easy to get distracted and lost in religion. True, religion gives a shallow and temporary sense of joy, peace, and satisfaction, but this is not relationship. Jesus did what he did to bring us back into a relationship with Himself (the living God).
    The church needs to focus on an intimate relationship with Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to restore the joy, peace, and satisfaction we walked away from in the Garden of Eden.
    Religion is a pain. Relationship is a pleasure.

  8. Yeah, relationship is the key! Religion is dead and kills too.
    Loved the tasting-through-the-glass illustration. Very good! Reminded me of Paul’s looking through a glass darkly though I think he was talking about a mirror. But it’s how we are really. Ah, one day to see clearly!

  9. true statement, if Jesus was the reason for being there people would not have distracted you because Jesus would have your devine attention.remember it is all about what you can give and get from Jesus.

  10. I have had many who knew me, Before my commitment to Live For Christ, asked me how I can be so upbeat and faithful in my life walk with God?…All I could say is, “I made a personal (one on one) commitment to live the rest of my life to Please God….knowing that I accepted ‘His death for My Life’. But I have to remind myself (humble before God) that I have struggles and am constantly asking God to strengthen me….in prayer immediately and many times by Talking to my spouse, and possibly a friend/church member who is strong in faith (godly counsel). Ps 1 Gal 6 Set a goal to become of Godly Character, so that you can do the work of the Lord…Helping others.
    Adam and Eve (we know what they did wrong), But only God (His word) can teach… what they Should Have Done (righteousness)….Talk to God consistently (1 Thess. 5:17)-allow the Spirit to guide instead of the flesh (Roman 8).
    14 years after my commitment (4 years after marriage)…I remained faithful and finally allowed the spirits guidance…started sharing my faith, by asking husband to help me memorize 5 verses each night–in his helping me (repeatedly)–he received God’s conviction.
    We each Affect the Lives of others around us. I leave you with this conviction….You may not see them watching and listening to you….but they are! Who are THEY….those who will never see heaven…because your life didn’t give them the Hope that there is a heaven ( A reason to do More Than TRY!) Be a blessing!

  11. I agree with you Chris. You can not just “try” Christianity and make a decision about it so lightly. You have to “wear” Christianity, and break it in for yourself much like wearing and breaking in a new pair of shoes. It takes some time to get to know and feel the changing Grace of the Lord. You have to develop a relationship with Him. You have to immerse yourself in His Word. You have to foster relationships with other believers. You have to begin to serve the Lord by serving others. You have to live, eat, drink and breath in the Lord. You have to take time with Him. Once you “try” Christianity like this, you won’t walk away.

  12. Great illustration. To tast and see that the Lord Lord is good should go beyund just scratching the surface. You can always seek Him and find Him if you could do so with all your heart – Jer 29:13. Patience, persistece and perseverance might just be that very indispensible most times …

  13. The message is relevant and convincingly.
    I have been built and also reminded of my commitment as a child of God. I need more of your sharings.
    May God continue to use you to build others.
    Thank you.

  14. Thank you for your transformational word to my life.
    I am transformed.
    I now know the difference of knowing God and knowing about Him.
    I pray that you reach the whole world with your teachings.
    I pray that God shows you His Glory and Prospers you early.
    Remember me in your prayers for l desire the Power that fell on the Gallilian fisher men.
    The Power from on high.

  15. The Christian life isn’t always success. It isn’t always a happy experience. It can mean pain and suffering also. Until we have a faith that will endure hardship, we might leave the church. Also being in church isn’t all blessings. It means giving also. My walk with God has costed me relationships, promotions at work and family members who don’t understand me. However, I have a relationship with God, I have riches in heaven, and I have a new family! God does provide richly. I have personal healing, a purpose for my life, and faith to sustain me. I was told by doctors at age 19 I might never walk again. They were wrong – thank God! I committed myself to God’s will and was blessed. I am now 61 and I walk, badly but I walk. I can say God is good. I have to remind myself that often, but that is what the Bible, the church and fellowship with believers is all about. We cannot know God until we are willing to accept Him on His terms, not ours. We don’t marry somebody on the first date, we get to know them first. Then we marry and really find out about them because the relationship is deeper. God doesn’t force Himself on us, we can have a deeper relationship with Him, but we have to commit to the relationship first. I think that is one of the reasons God call the church His bride. That committed relationship that allows us to truly know one another is what is required to truly know God.

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